March 13, 2023
If you are currently in your 20s or 30s and have been asking yourself these questions:
What am I doing with my life?
Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like?
What’s the point of everything?
…then you might be having a quarter-life crisis.
There are different ways to explain what a quarter-life crisis is.
According to Rachel Needle, a licensed psychologist, a quarter-life crisis is a time in a young adult's life — usually between their mid-20s and the early 30s — where they often feel stressed and uncertain as they try to figure out who they are and what they want.
“Quarter-life crisis is a crisis involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life which is most commonly experienced in a period ranging from a person's early twenties up to their mid-thirties.”
It's hard to tell whether someone is going through a quarter-life crisis because there are no fixed "symptoms" that apply to everyone. In fact, some people might be going through a quarter-life crisis without realizing it.
But here are some things you might be experiencing if you think you’re having a quarter-life crisis:
Why does someone experience a quarter-life crisis? There isn't one straight answer or cause. Some of the potential answers may not be the main cause for it, but they can make the symptoms worse.
Oftentimes, this particular crisis has to do with how we see ourselves. When something happens that makes us question who we are or changes who we are, it can be confusing and scary; this is what the word "crisis" means.
Here are 9 things that may be making you experience a quarter-life crisis:
Knowing this information, what can you do about it?
Look at your life and figure out where you stand: How do you feel? What things worry and stress you out? What do you believe in? Do you act based on what you believe in? What do you want, dream, and hope for? Are you making progress toward your goals?
Allow yourself to think. This can be done by writing in a journal, meditating, and being mindful. But you have to be honest and open with yourself, which isn't always easy. Do you like the way your life is going right now? What can you do to change things?
Success isn't the same for everyone, no matter what people say.
Some people think that a good job and a happy family are signs of success. But for others, success might mean seeing the world and learning about different ways of living. It could mean investing in important relationships and giving back to your community. Others still might think of success as being a good parent or caretaker.
What's important to you? What would have made you happy? How can you reach your full potential? What do you want to get out of life?
With social media and other “noises” distracting us, you can be easily swept away by other people's plans, ideas, and goals if you don't have a clear idea of what you want out of life.
When you have a clear vision for your life, you can rid yourself of everything getting in the way of that vision in order to stay focused on what's most important to you. One of the best ways to clarify your life vision is to create a Lifebook.
The idea of a Lifebook is essentially to make a plan for your life. Everything you want to be, have, and do— as well as all your hopes and dreams — can be written down in one book. Lifebook measures these 12 dimensions of your life:
Measuring these 12 dimensions will help you stay on track and motivated towards reaching your life goals. If you’re interested in finding out more about how you are currently doing in life, you can take a FREE LIFEBOOK ASSESSMENT here: LINK
As a Certified Lifebook Leader, I can help you develop your Life Vision: a hyper-specific, crystal-clear, and deeply empowering game plan for transforming your soul’s deepest desires… into your reality.
Get in touch with me today and let’s realize the life you envision for yourself!
Taking charge of your life starts with understanding where you stand.
Discover :
How you are doing in the 12 dimensions of life (Lifebook Assessment)
How well your business is performing (My Business Report Assessment)
How effective your marketing messaging and brand story is (Storybrand Marketing Report Assessment)
Take charge of your life by getting a deeper understanding of your strengths, your business, and your purpose.
Take a FREE life, business, and marketing assessment today!